Friday, October 30, 2009

Steps to the Promosed O B-P

Samar       Made Promise            Proposed O B-P.  Accepted? Registration of intent sent?
Rebecca   Made Promise            Proposed O B-P.  Accepted? Registration of intent sent?
Kira's       To Make Promise       Proposed O B-P.  Accepted? Registration of intent sent?
Jess          To reaffirm Promise    Proposed O B-P.  Accepted? Registration of intent sent?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kira's O B-P

Section 1: Personal
No ) A Child Care course, As well as an infant and baby first aid course and an Adult first Aid course.
Section 2: Practical
No )Time management in house,home and parenting management.
Section 3: Social
No ) Research and write an article on how both single and /or young parents can be responsible in the care of their charges while parenting.This includes the setting up of a playgroup, it's development and funding.
Section 4: Physical
No 4)Water activities. This includes encouraging, joining in, further learning, joining in with and actively pursuing water aerobics and other water activities.
Section 5: Service.
No ) Uniform co-ordinator for the Hazelwood and Churchill Guide District.
Section 6: Further development.
No) Sorting out a deportment and personal presentation course that includes various behavior aspects when presenting self in different social, business and personal situations.

Kira's Promise

Kira would like to make her Promise on the 22nd November 2009. All welcome.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

International Guiding day

Samar went to Melbourne as planned. "i found my way okay there...learnt a lot in Melbourne"  When she has caught up with her course work the information will become available.

Rebeccas O B-P selcetions

Section 1: Personal
No 1) Leadership of Guide Youth
Section 2: Practical
No 1)Further Education [to be decided]
Section 3: Social
No 1) Various aspects of World Guiding.
Section 4: Physical
No 4)Water activities. This includes encouraging, joining in, further learning in and showing the other Gipps Guides water activities from water aerobics to canoeing.
Section 5: Service.
No Face painting. From an absolute beginner to having an folder full of face painting experances Rebecca is prepared to go into the community and face paint.
Section 6: Further development.
Arranging BBQ's ( includes, fundraising, service, and creating food selections. Also learning more about gas safety and storage, equipment design and abilities as well as safe Food handling stratagies. Then passing these skill on through other members of Guiding and the wider community.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

Rebeccas O B-P selcetions

Section 1: Personal
No 1) Leadership of Guide Youth
Section 2: Practical
No 1)Further Education [to be decided]
Section 3: Social
No 1) Various aspects of World Guiding.
Section 4: Physical
No 4)Water activities. This includes encouraging, joining in, further learning in and showing the other Gipps Guides water activities from water aerobics to canoeing.
Section 5: Service.
No Face painting. From an absolute beginner to having an folder full of face painting experances Rebecca is prepared to go into the community and face paint.
Section 6: Further development.
Arranging BBQ's ( includes, fundraising, service, and creating food selections. Also learning more about gas safety and storage, equipment design and abilities as well as safe Food handling stratagies. Then passing these skill on through other members of Guiding and the wider community.

Car Show service to the community.

The car show was good.  There were cars, motorbikes, static engine displays, radio controlled crs, more cars, food and lots of people. The weather was even good for a change. The kitchen fly was placed so that the reflection from the Hazelwood Pondage did not damage anyones eyes. Just as well as the day was clear and the light intense.

There were faces to paint...Oh that's why we were there!  The District Leader painted faces and we did to. We all improved as the day got older.  Butterflies and hearts anyone?

Actually we have booked in again for next year (the Hazelwood and Churchill District team has) and they have been tentativly booked also for the 20th of Feb 2010  another car show in Bairnsdale.  More faces to paint. Were coming too.

encouraged to be written by Clear Vision  

Promise and Promise reafirmed.

Rebecca made her Promise.  Samar reffiremed hers.

Fireworks at Trafalgar

Some of us could go to the fireworks at Trafalgar over the weekend.  We sampled cuddles, ice, heat and witnessed creativity and explosives.  So here are the pictures just to prove it. When they will upload that is.

Jess has selected to do

Section 1: Personal
No 2) A child care course aimed at infants and young children.
Section 2: Practical
No 2) Work on developing communication means within the Gipps Guides. The main objectives are
A) to promote and use communication methods to assist all involved.
B) to encourage others with in the Gipps Guides to make comments
thereby enhancing what each are setting out to do.
c) to keep communication lines open.
d) to work at bettering Gipps Guides.
e) to open up the world of Guiding opportunities to all members.
f) to part of the Gipps Guide team.
Section 3: Social
No 4) to write an article about the positive and negative effects of technology, family, peer groups, community and organizations have on a person who is growing up with frontal lobal issues such as aspbergers.
Section 4: Physical
No 4)learning how to swim is important and a challenge Jess would like to take up. So discussions, displays and practical group water activities are something that Jess will be included in and assisting to organize.
Section 5: Service.
No the disadvantaged group that Jess is to work with are covers the lack of an accessible playgroup within her community. Some young family around have young children and no complete circuit transport. Opening a playgroup early in 2010 is an option that is achievable and needed.
Section 6: Further development.
etiquette Given the social- economic aspect of the community bringing through forms of ceremony and decorum: social observances is a challenge. Especially as the challenge involves multi-cultural, indiginous Australian, as well as the different situational aspects of every day, party, business and 'classy' life etiquette. After all who ever heard of eating at fast food chains in a tux?

Samars OB-P section choices

Samar has chosen the sections she would like to work through for her Olave Baden-Powell award.

Section 1 : Personal.
No ? Samar has yet to get back to me on this.
Section 2 : Practical.
No 5) Working with other Gipps Guides to really get the Unit active and moving is a real challenge for Samar. This will include her Presidency and the development of a communication medium for all to use.
Section 3: Social.
No 3) Attend the Girls Rock forum and actively participate in it. Then hold a discussion with your peer group on the reasons for this choice, what she learned and how this knowledge can be used.
Section 4 : Physical.
No 4)Swimming is a new physical activity for a period of three months. Samars ultimate Goal is to be able to canoe. During this time she be discussing her progress with the other Gipps Guides. Maybe on line through the Guides Face book too. A report will be submitted at the end of this time.

Section 5 :Service.
No 2) Initially the disadvantaged group Samar has chosen is the Parkistani community. The challenge of how Samar is to make a contribution to this group over a period of six months is yet to be decided. Once this initial part of her challenge is worked out then research and the preparation of her report can move forward.
Section 6: Further Development.
In all honesty I cannot remember what this was.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Steps for your Olave Baden Powell Award journey

• The following steps are to make things easier for the Gipps Guide members who wish to begin the Olave Baden-Powell Award.

• Are you a registered Gipps Guide member?
• Do you realise that being a Gipps Guide member you are part of the Olave Program of Guiding? Known as Senior Guides. (Youth Members being the Junior Guides)
• Have you read the Olave Broacher?
• Spoken to the others in the Olave Program?
o Gone on line to Yahoo or Face book and spoken to others in the Olave Program?
• Spoken to others in the Gipps Guides about what your interests are? What you would like to pursue? How this would be a challenge to you? This is your journey, supported by friend, strangers you have not yet met, and a community of people that is as wide as the world is large.
• About here have you made or reaffirmed your Girl Guide Promise?
• Worked out a time line for completing each step along the way. You have six years from beginning to final completion –unless of course you turn 30 before hand.
• Been peer assessed as to their acceptance of your challenges you want to undertake.
• Registered your interest in the Olave Baden-Powell Award? Sent this registration of intent, the time line down to Melbourne Guide Centre?
• During your journey along through the Award keep your peers informed of your progress. There are so many ways of doing this challenging your self to think and do various presentations.
• Include others. Be part of a team.
• Has your Olave Award Journey been enjoyable, funny, satisfying, frustrating, life changing, (whose and in what way?). Have you personally grown through even attempting the award?
• Remember that when you think it is ‘just too hard’ there have been others who have trod the road you are journeying along. Some have, some haven’t. But no matter what there has been change.
• Once your peer assessment has accepted that you have met your objectives send the completion papers down to Melbourne Guide Centre.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

Once your Promise is made...

Once an Olave Program member has made her Promise she may choose to start her OlaveBaden-Powell award.

Friday, October 16, 2009


This Saturday at the Hazelwood South Hall the Radio Club is setting up Radios so that all may join in with the Jamboree on the air.  Worlm Wide radio contact.  Starts at 2pm Saturday and continues right until no one else is left.
Next meeting is ment to be on the 25th October. but I think the District has SERVICE at the car club, Hazelwood Pondage.  Opps.  if this is so want to meet at the Glendonald Child and Maternal office on Saturday 24th?

Sumars promise

Last meeting Samar made her Promise.  And then the thunder rumbled all around in one big clap as we all reaffirmed our Promise along with Samar as she made hers.  Amazingly this thunder overpowered all voices as we identified and voiced our own Superior Being.  'He' had the last say.

An overview of the Olave Program , the Olave Registation and the syllabus for the Olave-Baden Powell Award was handed out.

There's going to be a lot happening over the next few years once the Gipps Guides gets under way.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sunday meeting

Meeting on Sunday at 1pm. Primary discussion Promise ceremonies and OBP requirements and bits

Whats on the agenda

Sunday 1pm the Gipps Guide members meet at the Glendonald Child and Maternal Health center.

On the agenda is discussion about Samar and Rebecca Promise ceremony. Where and When?

The Olave Program Award requirements and syllabus.  Decorating the notice board in the meeting room. Activites for the following year of cellabrations..... Guiding is 100 years old.  And of course after noon tea and cost factors.  Opps nearly forgot ...who is doing what job?  Initally theres President, secretary, treasurer.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

X Box challenge (service to community).

Thursday saw two Gipps Guides helping out at the X-box challenge.  The day was planned as part of the Independant Compass Award participants skills challenge section.  So Rebecca ran the kitchen. (Very successfully too I might add!)  Cordinated activities and behaviours when things did not go as planned for the participants.  Jess was able to take up the slack and assisted in keeping the younger visitors happy and when necessary distrated.

Over all at lot was learned through the day.Things like it takes more than just rocking up and expecting the day to be all set and ready to go.  Now for Grades five and six  (10 to 12 year olds) this is a major organisational shock.  Suddenly they are doing it themselves.  Oh boy. 

Then theres the knowing of what needs to be done before time, and the communication with parents, the community, your friends and general public. What about the deligation of jobs??  So the Gipps Guides saw a need, stepped in while these skills were being initiated, pulled on partners support, and yes, they will be there on January 14th 2010 when the next challenge is open to the public.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Welcome to Jess

Hi there Jess.  I hope you enjoy yourself here too.

Deciding which disadvantaged groups to work with

Samar is interested in assisiting in her community where she sees there is a disadvantaged group. but how to word what she actually wants to be involved in that is what Samar is deciding now.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision

I'm lost

In cyber space. Confused and near ripping my hair out.
in reference to:
- Clear Vision Enterprises (view on Google Sidewiki)

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision
Rebecca working with the youth of Churchill.  Which ment that someone had to do the cooking and hostessing at an X-Box challenge.


Members so far : Rebecca, Samair and Jess.